eBooks and Audio Book Resources

eBooks and Audio Book Resources

Audio Books

  • Books Should be Free - Free audiobooks from the Public Domain. Some audiobooks have links to full texts of the book as well.
  • Lit2Go - Lit2Go is a free online collection of stories and poems in Mp3 (audiobook) format. Lit2Go is an online service of Florida's Educational Technology Clearinghouse.
  • LibriVox - LibriVox provides free audiobooks from the public domain. There are several options for listening. The first step is to get the mp3 or ogg files into your own computer:
  • Huron Public Library - Through the library consortium CLEVNET, patrons of the Huron Public Library can use their library card to check out for 14 days various audiobook titles. The titles can be listened to either on a personal computer or via various mp3 players. Check the title details to see what device is compatible. A list of compatible devices can be found on the website, along with a quick start guide.


  • Planet eBook - The home of free classic literature. All the novels and books are entirely free for you to download and share with your friends, classmates, students, or anyone! Visit the site for the list of titles.
  • Google eBooks - hosts thousands of books that are in the public domain. Many of the public domain books can be viewed and downloaded in their entirety for free. To find the public domain books go into the advanced search options and select "public domain only" and "full text" options to find free full-length books. For those titles not in the public domain, you will need to purchase the title to read the entire content.
  • Flat World Knowledge - provides free textbooks created by experts in various academic fields. A quick look at the "find my class" section of Flat World Knowledge reveals that these textbooks are being used in a few dozen colleges across the United States.
  • International Children's Digital Library - Contains a collection of children's books that can be viewed in full text online.
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