Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Announcements - Friday, April 16, 2021

1.  Seniors interested in taking a gap year and gaining experience in a helping profession.  Serving our Seniors has an opening for a full time staff member which includes benefits.  The application is on Google Classroom.  Please see the Counseling Office with any questions or if you would like to hear more.

2. Huron High School will be on a 3-hour delay on Wednesday, April 21, 2021.  

Huron High School will be administering the English II End of Course exam to all Sophomores.  All sophomores are to report to school at normal time, 7:25am.
Buses will run on normal time.  Students arriving early will report to the cafeteria.

3.  The Huron Athletic Boosters is looking for volunteers for students and parents to help in the stadium concession stand on Saturday, April 24th at 10am for our Huron Track Invite.  Please contact Amy Springer if you're able to help at 419-602-0818.  

4. Cedar Point's hiring day is this Saturday, April 17.  Many positions pay $12-$16/hour.  See the flyers posted around the school for more information.

5. The Jet Express is looking to hire summer help.  They will be conducting open interviews this Saturday, 4/17.  See the flyers posted around school for more information.

6. Romeo's Pizza Huron is now hiring!  They are located in the Commerce Plaza. See the flyers posted around the school for more information.

7.  This year's Spring musical is "Hello Dolly!" and will be this weekend, April 16, 17, and 18. Tickets will be $10. To purchase presale tickets, please see the fliers posted around school to contact Laurel Cooley.

8.  If you are 18 or will be before the May election you can register to vote online, or you can see your English teacher or the high school office for a voter registration form.

9.  From the Huron Public Library:
Have artwork or photography to share? Visit the Huron Public Library's virtual Gallery space to view art and photography shared by your community, then share your own by emailing photos to All ages can participate. 

The Library is collecting nonperishable, unexpired food items for our Pay It Forward Food Drive this spring. If you have food items at home that you'd like to donate, visit the Library and find our drop-off box located near the main entrance. 

Check out our NEW Read It & Watch Book Bundles while supplies last. Each bundle comes with a new or classic book paired with its matching film or TV show, along with some free movie snacks! 

Teens with fresh ideas to share can join the next Teen Library Council meeting on Monday, April 26 at 4 pm over Zoom. The TLC discusses programming and materials for teens and we always welcome new members! 

To find more information about programs and current services being offered at the Library, visit or follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Varsity Softball @ Avon High School 4:45pm
Varsity Baseball vs Firelands 5:00pm

Boys Tennis @ Fremont Doubles Invite 9:00am
Track @ Edison Invite 10:00am
Varsity Softball @ Genoa 11;00am

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