Huron High School
Announcements - Wednesday, March 31, 2021
1. Any graduating senior looking to immediately enter the workforce after
high school should see Mr Antonelli for information on a great career
starting opportunity. Good pay and benefits included!
2. If you are 18 or will be before the May election you can register to vote
online, or you can see your English teacher or the high school office
for a voter registration form.
From the Huron Public Library:
The Huron Public Library is open to the public again! Please visit huronlibrary.org to find current safety regulations and services being offered, as well as temporary operating hours. Masks must be worn properly in the building.
Share your artwork or photography in our Online Community Art Gallery at huronlibrary.org. Visit the Library's virtual Gallery space to view art and photography shared by your community, then share your own by emailing photos to
mckenna.leckrone@huronlibrary.org. All ages can participate.
The Library is collecting nonperishable,
unexpired food items for our Pay It Forward Food Drive to give to the
Huron Food Pantry. If you have food items at home that
you'd like to donate, visit the Library and find our drop off box
located near the entrance.
Not sure what you want to read next? Try out our NEW Virtual Readers' Advisory! Visit
huronlibrary.org to find the Virtual Readers' Advisory survey, then give us a book you loved, an author you like, or a genre and we will send you a list of recommended suggestions. Check it out today!
To find more information about programs and current safety updates at the Library, visit
huronlibrary.org or follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
JV Softball vs Fremont 4:45pm @ WoodlandsVarsity Softball @ Fremont Ross 5:00pm