Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

1.  Attention all boys planning to play Boys Golf in the Fall: There will be a mandatory meeting directly after school today in Coach King’s room.

2.  Cleveland State will be here on Tuesday, March 5. They will be presenting 1st and 5th periods in Mrs. Sadowski's room. This is open to any student who would like to attend. 
If you would like to talk with the representative individually, she is available by appointment periods 2, 3, and 4. See Mrs. Sadowski to set up the appointment.

3.  Juniors going on the class trip are reminded your final payment is due.  See Mr. Schaeffer in the high school office for your final balance.

4.  TLC's second annual Pop Tab Tournament is underway! Bring your collection of pop tabs into your 5th period class. Round one ends Friday, March 1. See the bracket in the cafeteria for who your class is teamed up with and who you are going against for the first round. Winning class receives a free Chick-Fil-A lunch! The collection of pop tabs raises money for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Ohio. 

5.  The Spring Fling dance will be held on March 2nd. Tickets are being sold during lunches for $10 through Friday.  If you're bringing someone from another school, remember the paperwork has to be filled out and turned in when purchasing your tickets.

6.  Voting for Spring Fling King and Queen will be open today at 3pm until 7pm Thursday.  Please check your school email.

7.  Community service opportunity:  Volunteers are needed for the final game night at Woodlands.  The time would be from 6-6:45 on Thursday, Feb 29th (2nd grade).  See Mr Lamb with any questions.

8.  Cheer tryouts for football & basketball for next school year will be held beginning March 4 from 5-7:30pm in the high school gym.  Paperwork can be found in the high school office.

no after school activities

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