Huron High School
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
1. All students who plan to take a CCP class during the Summer or Fall of 2024, or the Spring of 2025 MUST turn in their CCP participation form by THURSDAY, MARCH 28. This is a State of Ohio requirement. Copies are available in the counseling office.
2. The Board of Education has opened a community facilities survey. Student voice is encouraged. In the cafeteria, QR codes are posted. Please scan with your smartphone to access the survey. Please participate prior to spring break.
3. Seniors, Jostens will be in the cafeteria TODAY to distribute caps and gowns,etc. If you still owe money for your order, please remember to bring money with you. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Enderle.
4. Students who participated in a Winter sport are reminded to turn any uniform, bag etc. in by the end of this week. Grade cards can be withheld for missing items.
If you've been instructed to turn items in to Mr. Camella, please be sure they are in a bag labeled with your name.
5. Volleybros is Thursday! If you want to play in the game you can sign up in the high school office.
6. Spirit Day for Thursday is class colors! Freshmen wear white, Sophomores wear gray, Juniors wear red and Seniors wear black.
Boys Tennis @ Willard 4:15pm
JV Baseball @ Bellevue 4:45pm
Softball vs Tiffin Columbian 4:45pm
Varsity Baseball vs Bellevue 5:00pm