Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Thursday, March 14, 2024

1.  Students who have been accepted to EHOVE for the 24-25 school year should plan to attend the Meet and Greet tonight. The open house-style event is from 5:30-7:30pm at EHOVE Career Center. See Mrs. James or Ms. Scherley with any questions.

2.  Seniors:
The Local Scholarship Application Deadline is Tuesday, March 19th, at 3 pm. NO LATE APPLICATIONS OR PACKETS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THAT TIME. Students must submit both the Google Form application and a packet for each scholarship. If you have any questions, please stop by the counseling office.

3.  Safe Harbor Sandusky Marina is looking to hire dockhands.  There are full or part-time positions available.  See the posting on the bulletin board near the main office for more information.

4.  There is a fun opportunity to serve your community:  The Lions Club is looking for face painters for a Pancake Breakfast on March 23rd from 8-12. Anyone interested in community service, contact Ms. Ryan ASAP.

5.  Congratulations to sophomore Art student, Kinslee Willis!

Kinslee's Charcoal drawing titled, Duality's Dance, won the distinguished honor of being juror selected as a Cameo Artist at the 54th Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition. To give you an idea of what an honor it is to be chosen for this show,  Kinslee's drawing was selected out of over 8,000 high school artwork submitted to the contest.
Kinslee's drawing will be on display at Ohio's capital on Sunday, April 21st, at the Rhodes State Office Tower in Columbus. 

Once again, Congratulations Kinslee on your outstanding accomplishment! It is a testament to your art talent and dedication to art.

no after school activities

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