Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

1.  There will be a meeting for any boy interested in playing soccer on Wednesday after school in Coach Asher's room (105).

2.  For those interested in joining the track and field team this spring, there will be an informational meeting this Thursday at 6pm in the McCormick auditorium. Winter athletes are expected to attend. If you cannot attend, see Coach Lemp in Room 205.

3.  Community service opportunity:  Volunteers are needed for upcoming game nights at Woodlands.  Times  would be from 6-6:45 TONIGHT (Kindergarten),  Thursday, Feb 22nd (1st grade) and Thursday, Feb 29th (2nd grade).  See Mr Lamb with any questions.

4.  Seniors should check the diploma list and their transcripts to verify they will receive the correct graduation materials. See the list and complete the form on Mrs. James's Google Classroom to request corrections. It is also posted outside the counseling office. All corrections must be submitted by February 26.

5.  Sophomores and Juniors interested in the Jr./Sr. Seminar Class for next school year should complete the proposal form and submit it by February 23. The form is available on Ms. Scherley and Mrs. James's Google Classrooms.

6.  Course Request forms for next school year should be turned in to your specified grade level teacher or the counseling office by February 21. Extra copies can be found on the counseling Google Classrooms and in your grade-level classrooms.

7.  For those interested in being a part of the Teen Leadership Corps (TLC) class for next year, please stop by either the office or Mrs. Lee's room for an application. Completed applications must be turned in by Friday, Feb. 23. Once your application is turned in, interviews must take place by Friday, March 8. 

Boys Bowling Sectionals
Boys Basketball vs Perkins 4:30pm
Girls Basketball @ Western Reserve 6:00pm (JV & V)

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