Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Thursday, April 25, 2024

1.  Attention all juniors going on the class trip:  There will be a mandatory meeting for you and a parent/guardian to attend next Thursday (5/2) at 6pm in the cafeteria.  Please be mindful of the medication form that was sent out via final forms.  This must be filled out and turned in along with any medication to the nurse at the meeting.

2.   Huron 5 is looking for two new hosts for next school year. This position is available for current freshmen through juniors. The application is due this Friday and can be found by scanning a QR code found in the office.

3.  Thinking about joining Student Council for the 2024/25 school year? Grab an application in the high school office. If you have any questions, see Ms. Kozich.

4. Attention current Juniors: T- Shirt order forms for your Senior shirts are in the High School Office.  Orders must be placed by Friday, May 3rd at Bennetts. 

5. On Tuesday at the Huron/Port Clinton dual meet in cold, windy, and rainy conditions, freshman Rylie Towns broke her big sister Jadyn's 3200m school record! Jadyn's record of 11:15.56 was broken by over 7 seconds, as Rylie ran an 11:07.60. Congratulations to Rylie!

6.  Students there are some job opportunities posted in the main office as well as outside the Guidance office.  Please be sure to check these out!  

Boys Tennis vs Bellevue 4:30pm
Softball vs Margaretta 5:00pm
Varsity Baseball vs Norwalk St. Paul 5:00pm
JV Baseball @ Norwalk St. Paul 5:00pm

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