Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Tuesday, December 19, 2023

1.  Seniors - Turn in Community Service forms to the Main Office by the end of this semester (1/12/24) to be considered for a Graduation Seal or Diploma of Distinction. Forms are available outside the counseling office or in your 2024 Google Classroom.

2.  Congrats to the 5th period French room for winning the chemo care package contest. Your prize will be awarded after break! 

3.  Congratulations to Carli Wick, who was named the student of the week by her teachers.  Carli, your teachers want to acknowledge your positive attitude and energy in class and how you're  always working hard to reach your goals!

4.  Today is the last Domino's Dining for Dough for the PTO of 2023! Help support the PTO and order some Domino's!

Bowling vs Willard 4:00pm
Boys Basketball @ Bellevue 4:30pm
Swimming TriMeet @ Perkins 5:00pm
Girls Basketball @ Seneca East 6:00pm (JV & V)

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