Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

1.  All students planning to take a CCP course next school year for the first time, will need to attend the CCP Informational Meeting on Thursday, January 25th at 7pm in the Huron High School Cafeteria. 

2.  Seniors are reminded to turn your diploma paperwork in to the high school office.  

3.  There will be a U.S. Army Recruiter in Mrs. Merckens' classroom on Wednesday., Jan. 24.  All interested juniors and seniors can attend during periods 1, 2, 6, 7, & 8 in room 214. Sign-up sheets are on Mrs. Merckens' door or near the counseling offices.

4.  Mr. Camella will host the a National Letter of Intent (NLI) signing on Wednesday 2/7/24 in the HHS gym at 2:00 pm for any senior that plans to sign. He will have a table set up for each athlete and they can display their wares according to the College that they are signing with. All NLI signees are welcome to invite family and friends. Mr. Lamb will call down the teammates for those signing, and Mr. Camella will take care of contacting BCSN and the Sandusky Register. Be sure to email Mr. Camella, or stop by his office to inform him of your signing. The cut off date to inform Mr. Camella of your signing is Monday 2/5/24, 3:00 pm.

5.  Congratulations to Ellie Lesnett who has been selected as this week's student of the week.  Ellie's teachers indicate that in addition to being a thoroughly prepared student, "Ellie is kind, thoughtful, open and engaging with peers and adults".

Bowling @ Willard 4:00pm
Girls Basketball @ Monroeville 6:00pm (JV & V)

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