Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

1.  Senior Winter Athletes:  Reminder that Lobs will be taking the group picture for the sports program this Sunday, 11/14, at 10am in the gym.  Athletes please be sure to wear your uniforms and swimmers be sure to wear coats over your swim suit.

2.  Fall athletes, if you would like to keep your locker decoration please take it down by Friday.  All those left hanging will be disposed of at the end of the week.

3.  There will be a short meeting for Winter track after school in the Tiger Union on Thursday (11/11).

4.  Juniors and Seniors please sign up in the School Counseling office if interested in meeting with the following colleges:

Youngstown State will be visiting HHS on November 10th, 2021 at 10:30am. 

 University of Findlay will be here on November 16, at 8:30 am. 

5.  BGSU Firelands is pairing with Second Harvest Food Bank.  Their next mobile pantry is TODAY from 4-6pm..  If you are interested in volunteering and earning Community Service hours, please see the flyers posted outside the high school office that walk you through the sign-up process.

6.  News from the Huron Public Library:
Add your thoughts to the Huron Public Library's new Huron Stories: Community Journals, made for all ages! Check out titles like: Library Recommendations, Teen Sketches, Ideas for the Future of Huron, Good Vibes, or What's Behind the Door? Each journal checks out for one week. Read what others wrote, then add your own entry. Once a journal is full, it will be added to our regular collection for the community to check out like a regular book! Find these journals in the main lobby today.

There is still time to register for the Teen Cooking Challenge! This popular program for Grades 7 - 12 continues with a new, delicious recipe kits to try at home. Pick up a kit on Wednesday, November 10. Register fast because supplies are limited.

Help your neighbors before the holidays and lower your late fees! Food for Fines begins on Saturday, November 13 and goes until Saturday, November 20. Fines for an overdue Huron Public Library item or fine will be waived in exchange for each non-perishable donation.

Work on your strategic thinking by practicing Chess with chess master Paul Sherwood on Sunday, November 14 starting at 1 pm. Come for fun or to improve your game. Open to all ages and abilities.

no after school activities

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