Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Monday, December 20, 2021

1.  This year's Spring musical is "Mamma Mia". Auditions will be held January 10, 11, & 12. Audition packets are available to pick up in the High School office. Sign Up sheets will be posted on the Choir Room doors after we return from break. Please see Miss J 1st or 2nd period if you have any questions.

2.  Reminder to Seniors:  If you are trying to earn the Diploma of Distinction, your Community Service hours are due at the end of the first semester, Friday, January 14th.  

3.  Domino's Tuesday, December 21st -  will support the PTO, who directly fund numerous programs for the students of Huron.  Please buy Dominos on Tuesday

4.  Huron High School exams continue today and tomorrow (12/20 & 21).  During exams we are an open campus.  This means that students are required to be here only during the time that they are scheduled for their exam.

The exam schedule has been posted on the high school office window.

5.  From the Huron Public Library:
Join the Teen Library Council monthly meeting on Zoom video chat today at 4pm to share your ideas for the Library.  Earn service or volunteer hours by participating.  Current members and new members are both welcome.  Visit for all the details or to find monthly Zoom codes.
Join fellow Euchre players for Euchre Night on Wednesday, December 22 starting at 6:30pm.
The Library will be CLOSED for the holidays on Friday, December 24 and Saturday, December 25. We will also be CLOSED on Sunday, December 26 for a CLEVNET system update. 

Girls Basketball vs St Mary's (JV (2 quarters) & Varsity) 6:00pm

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