Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Thursday, August 31, 2023

1.  Any Junior or Senior interested in joining Model United Nations, there will be a brief meeting today after school in Mr. Schaefer's room 210.

2.  Students, locks are available in the high school office if you are interested in using one for your locker this school year.  

3.  Cedar Point is now hiring for Halloweekends.  Starting wages for 16+ is $20 per hour.  Scan the QR CODE or APPLY ONLINE at  Flyers are posted around the high school for more information.

4.  If you're driving to school be sure to purchase a parking tag.  The forms are available in the high school office.   

5.  Student Activity Passes are on sale in the HHS office. The cost for a Student Activity Pass is 10 games for $30 and can be used for any varsity home game.

6.  The Huron Girls Tennis team will be collecting gently used shoes at the September 1st home Varsity Football game against Genoa.  There will be a table set up to drop off shoes.  Please pass on the word to your family and friends.  Thank you!  The Ladies Tennis Team??

7.  The following colleges/universities are scheduled to come visit Huron High School. Please sign up in the school counseling office if you are interested in meeting with them.

BGSU will now be here on Set. 22 @ 12:00pm
University of Cincinnati - October 10 @ 12:00pm
Ohio University  - October 18th @ 9:15am
Mount Union - October 23rd @ 12:00pm
Defiance College - Nov. 8th @ 9:15am

Girls Tennis @ Edison 4:00pm
Girls Golf SBC Shootout @ Willard 4:30pm
Volleyball vs Port Clinton 5:30pm (JV & Varsity)
Freshmen Football @ Firelands 7:00pm

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