Huron High School
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
1. Attention National Honor Society members, there will be an NHS meeting Thursday after school in Mr. Blevins' room.
2. Reminder to Seniors that Jostens will be here Friday, 9/8/23, during lunches to collect Senior orders. Don't forget your order forms!
3. Cedar Point is now hiring for Halloweekends. They will be in our cafeteria during lunch Friday. Starting wages for 16+ is $20 per hour. Stop by their table if you are interested.
4. The following colleges/universities are scheduled to come visit Huron High School. Please sign up in the school counseling office if you are interested in meeting with them.
BGSU - September 22 @ 12:00pm
University of Cincinnati - October 10 @ 12:00pmOhio University - October 18th @ 9:15amMount Union - October 23rd @ 12:00pmDefiance College - Nov. 8th @ 9:15am
Girls Golf SBC Shootout @ Edison 2:30pm
Girls Tennis @ Tiffin 4:00pm
Varsity Boys Soccer vs Tiffin 5:00pm
Varsity Girls Soccer vs Tiffin 6:45pm