Huron High School
Friday, October 27, 2023
1. The first round of the talent competition starts today. Please watch Huron 5 today during your WIN period, and vote using the QR code given. The full bracket is posted in the cafeteria! A total of 8 talents will be in competition over the next few weeks hoping to win the $100 prize!
2. District employees and Huron Students: Remember that tonight's football game is an OHSAA sponsored event. Activity passes, booster passes, senior passes and employee passes will not be accepted for tonight's game.
Tickets for football and cross country are on sale online at, click on Tickets.
Today, Football, Students $9, Adults $12, $15 cash at the gate.
Saturday, 10/28, Cross Country Regionals final, $9 Students, Adults $12. ONLINE PURCHASE ONLY!
There will not be presale tickets sold for any events at the High School office. All sales are online.
3. Spirit Week is next week please see the flyers hanging around the school for details.
Monday- wear your Halloween shirt or color - Freshman wear Purple, Sophomores wear Orange, Juniors wear Green, Seniors wear black
Tuesday- Wear your school appropriate Halloween costume!
4. Attn: Seniors, the National Letter of Intent Signing day is Wednesday, November 8th. If you plan on signing, please stop by Mr Camella's office to let him know.
5. St. Peter School is looking for volunteers with their St. Peter Spooktacular 5K & Kids Pumpkin Fun Run. The event takes place Saturday, October 28, at 9am. All work will be done before noon. Volunteers are needed to help with the race beginning at 8:15am. There are a limited number of shirts available for volunteering. Contact Angie Edwards 419-366-1563 (call/text) to volunteer. Service hours will be given for this opportunity.
6. Juniors who are planning on going on the class trip to Washington DC, please bring in your deposit and rooming assignment to Darius Schaeffer in the high school office by October 31. Stop in with any questions.
7. The following colleges/universities are scheduled to come visit Huron High School. Please sign up in the school counseling office if you are interested in meeting with them.
Ohio Northern University - November 2 at 9:15am
John Carroll University - November 3 at 9:15am
Defiance College - November 8 at 9:15am
Ohio Business College - November 14 at 9:15am