Huron High School
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
1. The forms for the I ?? Huron Football shirts are now available in the attendance office.
2. Please join us this evening to welcome home Meg Krafty. We are asking our staff and students to line Jim Campbell before 5:00 tonight as a sign of support for the Krafty family and that we are on this journey together.
#MegStrong T-Shirts are on sale now. All proceeds will be donated to the Krafty family. Wear them to the October 13th football game against Clyde for a gray out. Stop in the office to grab your order form today.
3. Crucial Catch order forms for the Friday, October 6th pink out football game are in the office. This year they have hoodies or t-shirts. You can stop in at Lucky Stone, order online or give them a call.
4. The following colleges/universities are scheduled to come visit Huron High School. Please sign up in the school counseling office if you are interested in meeting with them.
University of Cincinnati - October 10 @ 12:00pm
Ohio University - October 18th @ 9:15am
Mount Union - October 23rd @ 12:00pm
Defiance College - Nov. 8th @ 9:15am
no after school activities