Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Friday, October 13, 2023

1.  All sophomores and juniors who signed up for the PSAT must report to the cafeteria for 1st period on Monday, with your charged, school-issued Chromebook. This is a mandatory registration and testing meeting. 

2.  The Cross Country team has t-shirts left over from their invite that say #MegStrong on back. The shirt is $20 if paying by check but only $15 if paying cash.  See Mr. Scott today in Mr Nemire's room if interested.

3.  If you have a talent, the Huron High School Talent Competition is your chance to share your talent!  You could even win a $100 gift card!  To enter the competition, share your video submission with Mrs. Lee via google drive by the end of the school day on Monday, October 23.  See flyers placed around the school for rules and regulations.

4.  There are extra copies of the 22-23 yearbook for sale in the high school office.  The cost is $65.

5.  Presale tickets for tonight's home football game vs Clyde are on sale in the high school office.  Presale cost is $5.  At the gate, all tickets will bet $8.

6.  The following colleges/universities are scheduled to come visit Huron High School.  Please sign up in the school counseling office if you are interested in meeting with them.

Heidelberg University - October 17 at 12:45pm
Ohio University - October 18 at 9:15am
Mount Union - October 23 at 12pm
Ohio Northern University - November 2 at 9:15am
Defiance College - November 8 at 9:15am

7.  St. Peter School is looking for volunteers with their St. Peter Spooktacular 5K & Kids Pumpkin Fun Run.  The event takes place Saturday, October 28, at 9am.  All work will be done before noon.  Volunteers are needed to help with the race beginning at 8:15am.  There are a limited number of shirts available for volunteering.  Contact Angie Edwards 419-366-1563 (call/text) to volunteer.  Service hours will be given for this opportunity.

Varsity Football vs Clyde 7:00pm

Freshman & JV Football @ Clyde 9 & 11am
Volleyball vs Bishop Hartley 1:00pm

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