Huron High School
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
1. Attention Juniors: Anyone planning to go on the class trip to Washington D.C., there will be a parent meeting tonight at 6pm in the high school cafeteria. Please plan on attending along with a parent/guardian.
2. There will be a swimming & diving meeting tonight at 7pm, in the high school cafeteria. A parent/guardian is asked to attend also.
3. Students and faculty, please remember to wear your #MegStrong t shirt, or a gray shirt, Thursday to school. Pictures will be taken beginning of the 4th period.
4. If you have a talent, the Huron High School Talent Competition is your chance to share your talent! You could even win a $100 gift card! To enter the competition, share your video submission with Mrs. Lee via google drive by the end of the school day on Monday, October 23. See flyers placed around the school for rules and regulations.
5. There are extra copies of the 22-23 yearbook for sale in the high school office. The cost is $65.
6. The Cross Country team has t-shirts left over from their invite that say #MegStrong on back. The shirt is $20 if paying by check but only $15 if paying cash. See Mr. Scott Thursday or Friday in Mr Nemire's room if interested.
7. The following colleges/universities are scheduled to come visit Huron High School. Please sign up in the school counseling office if you are interested in meeting with them.
Heidelberg University - October 17 at 12:45pm
Ohio University - October 18 at 9:15am
Mount Union - October 23 at 12pm
Defiance College - November 8 at 9:15am
Varsity Boys Soccer @ Port Clinton 5:00pm
Varsity Girls Soccer @ Port Clinton 7:00pm