Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

1.  If you have a talent, the Huron High School Talent Competition is your chance to share your talent! You could even win a $100 gift card!  To enter the competition, share your video submission with Mrs. Lee via google drive by the end of the school day on Monday, October 23. See flyers placed around the school for rules and regulations. 

2.  Friday's home football game against Vermilion is a "Pink Out".  Shirts are still available to order through Lucky Stone at 419-616-6008. Last day to order is Today. All proceeds go directly to the PiggyBack Foundation. Please show your support by wearing pink to the game and to create awareness of breast cancer. 

3.  Presale tickets for Friday night's home Varsity football game vs Vermilion will be on sale Wednesday in the high school office.  Tickets purchased in advance are $6.  All sales at the game will be $8.

4.  Looking for Community Service?
You found it!
Join the HHS Tutoring Team. 
Tutor during your study hall, WIN class or after school and receive community service hours.

What a perfect opportunity to give your talents while getting so much in return.

To sign up:
Please join Huron High Schools Remind by texting @hurontutor to 81010 or email or visit Ms Ryan in the art room to sign-up.

5.  If you will be 18 by Election Day, please register to vote by Tuesday, October 10.  There is a form online at  Please see Ms. Kukay or Mrs. Merckens with any questions.

6.  The 22-23 yearbooks have arrived.  If you ordered one, please stop by the high school office during your study halls or in between classes.  

7.  The forms for the I ?? Huron Football shirts are now available in the attendance office.

8.  #MegStrong T-Shirts are on sale now. All proceeds will be donated to the Krafty family. Wear them to the October 13th football game against Clyde for a gray out. Stop in the office to grab your order form today. Tuesday, October 10, is the last day to place an order.

9.  Any student interested in swimming there is a sign up sheet in the main office. Please stop by and sign if you are interested.

The week of 10/9 there will be a brief meeting in the cafeteria to meet the coach(es). Details for this meeting will be forthcoming. If you have any questions stop by the athletic office and see Mr. Camella.

10.  The PSAT will be given on October 18. Sophomores and juniors registrations will be accepted through Friday, October 6. Bring a cash or check payment of $18 to the counseling office to register. More information was sent through Final Forms.

11.  The following colleges/universities are scheduled to come visit Huron High School. Please sign up in the school counseling office if you are interested in meeting with them.

University of Cincinnati - October 10 @ 12:00pm
Heidelberg University - October 17 at 12:45
Ohio University  - October 18th @ 9:15am
Mount Union - October 23rd @ 12:00pm
Defiance College - Nov. 8th @ 9:15am

Tennis @ Edison 4:15pm
Volleyball @ Willard 4:30pm

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