Huron High School
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
The National Honor Society is starting a new student recognition program. This program aims to recognize the contribution you make to your high school community. Students can be recognized for both effort or achievement in the classroom as well as their contribution to the greater classroom or school wide culture.
Students who are chosen by high school staff will be recognized as either a "Student of the Month" or "Student of the Week".
For October our students of the month are: Nick Rager and Kinslee Willis
Our Student of the Week is: Rachel Merckens
The "Students of the Month" will receive the "student of the month" parking spot and the "student of the week" will receive a treat from the cafeteria from Mr. Lamb. If a any winning students of the month are not drivers yet, see Mr. Lamb for an alternative prize.
2. There will be a swimming & diving meeting on Wednesday, at 7pm, in the high school cafeteria.
A parent/guardian needs to attend also.
Students make sure you have signed all of your Final Forms. If you have not filled them out you will have emails from Final Forms. If you have any questions, stop by and see Ms. Kozich in the office. 4.
If you have a talent, the Huron High School Talent Competition is your chance to share your talent! You could even win a $100 gift card! To enter the competition, share your video submission with Mrs. Lee via google drive by the end of the school day on Monday, October 23. See flyers placed around the school for rules and regulations. 5. Today is the last day to place an order for a #MegStrong t-shirt. Wear them to the October 13th football game against Clyde for a gray out. Stop in the office to grab your order form today.6.
Attention Juniors: Anyone planning to go on the class trip to Washington D.C., there will be a parent meeting Wednesday night, 10/11, at 6pm in the cafeteria. Please plan on attending along with a parent/guardian.
7. If you will be 18 by Election Day, today is the last day to register to vote. There is a form online at Please see Ms. Kukay or Mrs. Merckens with any questions.
8. The forms for the I Huron Football shirts are now available in the attendance office.
9. The following colleges/universities are scheduled to come visit Huron High School. Please sign up in the school counseling office if you are interested in meeting with them.
University of Cincinnati - Today @ 12:00pm
Heidelberg University - October 17 at 12:45
Ohio University - October 18th @ 9:15amMount Union - October 23rd @ 12:00pmDefiance College - Nov. 8th @ 9:15am
AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIESVolleyball vs Margaretta 4:30pm