Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Thursday, September 22, 2022

1.  Juniors interested in taking the PSAT, please bring $18.00, cash or a check made out to Huron High School, to the Counseling Office. This is an optional test that may qualify you for National Merit Scholarship opportunities. The PSAT will be administered on Wednesday, October 12.  Sophomores will be able to register beginning September 29th. 

2.  Sophomores, juniors, and seniors interested in becoming a Mental Health Ambassador may apply to attend a Teen Mental Health Summit at Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse on Monday, October 10. There is no school on that day. For more information and to apply, go to Mrs. James's Google Classroom. Please submit your applications by Friday, September 23.

3.  Please join us for Victory Day Saturday, September 24, from 2-3:30PM at Huron Memorial Stadium.  Victory Day is an opportunity for special needs kids to experience playing football, cheering with the cheerleaders, or marching with the band.  Donations are to benefit the Huron Helping Hands Food Pantry or the Erie County Humane Society.

4.  Juniors who are interested in the Junior Class trip - you are reminded your deposit is due this Friday, 9/23.  See Mr. Schaeffer if you have any questions.

5.  Order forms for "A Crucial Catch" fundraiser t-shirts are available in the high school office.  These shirts will be worn at the October 7th home football game.

6.  Attention all artists!  The Art Club is having a membership drive!
Any student interested in having fun creating art projects after school, stop by the Art room, 211, to sign up and pick up a schedule. Even if you are in a Fall sport, you can join us on your days off! 

7.  The following colleges are scheduled to come visit Huron High School:

Sept. 29 BGSU
Sept. 30 Cleveland State University
Oct. 11 Heidelberg College
Oct 18 Kent State
Oct. 19 University of Cincinnati
Oct. 26 University of Southern Maine (zoom 1-1:45)
Nov. 1 Baldwin Wallace
Nov. 3 Owens Community College
Nov. 9  Youngstown State

All times are at 10 - 10:45.  Please sign up in the school counseling office if you are interested in learning more about these schools.

8.  Domino's pizza will be on the lunch menu for this Friday.

9.  September is National Library Card Sign-up Month! This month gives us at the Huron Public Library an opportunity to remind our patrons that a library card is the key to endless possibilities. Help us celebrate with: FREE replacements for lost or damaged cards, entries into a gift basket drawing when you check out items, and special gifts for first-time children’s library cards.

Work on your strategic thinking by practicing Chess with chess master Paul Sherwood on Sunday, September 25 at 1 pm. Come for fun or to improve your game. Open to all ages and abilities. 

The Teen Library Council is back in the Library building on Monday, September 26 at 4 pm. Teens in Grades 7 - 12 can share ideas to improve the Library and the community and help out with Library programming for volunteer hours. There is also an option to Zoom in if you can't make the meeting in-person. Visit for more details. 

Love crocheting or want to learn how? Meet up and share current yarn projects, get help from Library staff, or just enjoy being in the company of other crafters at the NEW Stitch Niche: Crochet Club. The next meeting is on Tuesday, September 27 at 3 pm. Bring your own yarn or use ours! 

September is National Service Dog Month. All ages can help us welcome Huron City School’s psychologist Kathy Knight and Tali, a Sheepadoodle therapy dog, as they visit the Library on Tuesday, September 27 from 5 - 6 pm.

The Library has a NEW Teen Tech Cart filled with cool tech like iPads and Chromebooks for teens in Grades 7 - 12 to borrow. Stop by after school on Wednesday, September 28 any time between 3 - 4:30 pm to try out some new tech like Spheros, Bloxels, digital instruments, sticker-makers, and more!

If you don't have a library card already, now is the perfect time to stop by and get one. For more information about our digital collections- including free ebooks, audiobooks, music and more- or to find out more about this fall's upcoming programs, follow the Huron Public Library on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. 

Boys Golf @ SBC Tournament @ Fremont 
Girls Golf vs Edison 3:25pm
Volleyball @ Oak Harbor (JV & Varsity)

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