Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Announcements - Tuesday, May 25, 2021

1.  If you are interested in Cross Country in the Fall plan on attending a brief meeting in Coach Blevins' classroom today right after school.  

2.  The deadline to buy a yearbook for this school year is TODAY. Visit to order your yearbook!

3. Chromebooks and chargers will be collected Wednesday (5/26) during 1st period homeroom or in the office if you don't have a 1st period homeroom.  Please remember to bring your chromebook and charger with you Wednesday.

4.  Attention Academic Challenge team members (both new and returning). There will be a short organizational meeting after school Wednesday in Mr. Blevins' room.  Please plan on attending.

5. Students are reminded to return CCP books to the Counseling Department.

6.   If you are a sophomore and interested in becoming a student council member at large for the 2021-22 school year, please complete an application, available in the office.

7.  There will be a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, June 1 at 7PM at the Stadium for anyone wishing to play football next season.  Please see Coach Hohler if you have any questions.

8.  A reminder to students under the age of 18 - when you get hired by a business you will need a work permit.  These are located outside the high school office.  In order to process the work permit, you also need to have a physical - keep that in mind if you do not have a sports physical on file already in the office. See Mrs. Enderle with any questions.

9.  From the Huron Public Library:Find a new photo challenge on the Library's Instagram every Monday in May. Weekly challenges were created by the Teen Library Council.  Share a photo and use the hashtags #HPLweekly and #huronlibrary for a chance to win some gift cards to local eateries.

Have an idea for a Library program that you'd like to see? Let us know at the next Teen Library Council meeting today at 4 pm on Zoom video chat. Visit our website for more details.

no after school activities

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