Huron High School
Thursday, February 9, 2023
1. Just a reminder the Daily Grind Coffee Cart is operating every Friday. Please place your order on your classroom door by 8:30am if you are interested in buying coffee or tea.
2. Huron City Schools are looking for Summer Casual Labor - Workers to work alongside regular classified staff for summer projects relating to building consolidation. Assignments include Custodial, Grounds, Paint Crew, Technology, and Office/Secretarial. Work days will be Monday through Friday with flexibility to accommodate workers with extra-curricular or other commitments. No prior experience needed.
See the posting outside the high school office for more information. Due date: March 31, 2023.
3. Shawnee is looking for high school volunteers next Wednesday, February 15th from 6:15-7:30. Shawnee is hosting a game night for Kindergarten families and they are looking for students who can play games with the Kindergarten kids. The games are all created and ready to go. Please see Mr. Lamb if interested.
4. News from the Huron Public Library:
Get warm at the Library this winter and play some Chess with chess master Paul Sherwood on Sunday, February 12 at 1 pm. Come for fun or to improve your game. Open to all ages and abilities.
Roses are red. Violets are blue. We've got a book that's just for you! Let the Library be your matchmaker with a Blind Date with a Book from Monday, February 13 until Saturday, February 25. Read the brief description to pick your date without seeing the book cover. There will be books for all ages.
We ♥ Our Patrons! The Library staff wants to do something special for our amazing patrons. Stop by the Library on Valentine’s Day and grab a few treats by the main Circulation Desk.
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