Huron High School
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
1. Tickets for this year's Spring Musical "Seussical" are on sale during lunch. All tickets are $10. The musical will take place Friday & Saturday at 7pm and on Sunday at 2pm.
2. Attention Swimmers:
Please turn in your swim warm ups to Mr Camella at the Athletic Office. Please make sure you identify your warm up by pinning your name to the warm up or write your name on a piece of paper and place it in the pocket. Four swimmers have dropped their warm ups off at the Athletic office and those four should stop by to see Mr Camella to identify the warm up. Failure to return your warm up will result in an $80 fee added to your school account.
3. All students who plan to take a CCP course at Huron High School, online, or at Firelands next school year, must turn in an Intent Form by FRIDAY, MARCH 31. You can pick up a copy outside the Counseling Office or print one from the CCP website.
4. If there are any juniors or seniors who would be interested in going to Cedar Point to do a Career Shadow Day - please see Mr Schaeffer in the high school office. This is limited to 10 students. The day of the event is Wednesday, April 5th.
5. Applications are now open for the Ohio School Safety Center's 2023-2024 Student Safety Advisory Council. The council encourages students to identify school safety concerns and develop solutions. At least four students from Ohio's four school safety zones will be selected.
You must be a current sophomore to apply. For more information contact Mrs. Sadowski by April 6th, 2023.
6. Lunch in the cafeteria Thursday will be Dominos pizza.
7. Seniors: The Knights of Columbus would like to remind eligible students that the scholarship application due date is April 6. The information and application instructions are in your Class of 2023 Google Classroom. Please see Mrs. James with any questions.
8. News from the Huron Public Library:
The Library has a Teen Tech Cart filled with cool tech like iPads and Chromebooks for teens in Grades 7 - 12 to borrow. Stop by after school on Thursday, March 30 between
3 - 4 pm to try out some new tech like Spheros, Bloxels, digital instruments, sticker-makers, and more!
At the Library, stories matter! In honor of National Poetry Month this April, Grades 3 and up are invited to submit poems, writings, or short stories to a Literary Magazine. Find official rules on our website or stop by the Library in April to pick up an entry form. Submissions are due by Sunday, April 30.
Donate personal hygiene and baby care products to the Library's Salvation Army Collection this April for fine forgiveness all month long. Needed donations include deodorants, toothpaste, toothbrushes, feminine products, diapers (especially sizes 4 - 6), soaps, wipes, cream, or other similar products. Please only donate unused and unexpired items.
Do you need an escape from reality? Enter the fantasy world with the Library's Dungeons & Dragons Meetup for Grades 7 -12. Join our D&D club and begin exploring worlds of mystery, magic, and game play. Check out the next program on Saturday, April 1 from 10 am - 1:30 pm. Registration required.
Work on your strategic thinking by practicing Chess with chess master Paul Sherwood at the Library on Saturday, April 1 at 10 am. Come for fun or to improve your game. Open to all ages and abilities.
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