Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Tuesday, May 2, 2023

1.  Seniors,  many of you have yet to turn in the Rules & Regulation form that was sent out via Final Forms.  These are due into the high school office by Monday, 5/8.  Please stop in the office with any questions.

2.  Student Council petitions are available this week in the office or with Mrs. Sadowski. If you are interested in running, please be sure to pick up a petition by Friday! 

3.  Attention freshmen, sophomore, and junior girls……. Are you involved in our community?  Would you like the opportunity to represent Huron through your leadership skills? Would you like to be a positive role model for others? Then participating in the 2023 Huron River Fest Queens’ Pageant is for you!  

A $1000 scholarship is available to this year’s Queen.  If you are interested in participating in the contest and would like more information or an application, please visit the Huron River Fest Website at

An Informational Meeting for contestants and parents is scheduled for Friday, May 26, 2023, at 6:00 pm at the Huron Boat Basin Building.  

All applications are due by noon on June 16, 2023. Applications can be completed HERE or turned into the Huron High School Office by June 1, 2023. If you have questions, please reach out to [email protected]

4.  This year's prom theme is .. Mardi Gras!
Seniors be sure to get together with parents to plan this year's After Prom event.  Please send Riley Martin an email with an update by May 10.

There is also a sheet in the Tiger Union and the high school office for song suggestions for the DJ at prom. Juniors and seniors please stop by if you have any suggestions.

5.  Girls soccer, please be sure to stop by the high school office to pick up a brochure from FanCloth.

Boys Tennis @ Fremont St Joseph 4:30pm
Varsity Baseball & Softball vs Port Clinton 4:45pm
JV Baseball & Softball @ Port Clinton 4:45pm

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