Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Friday, April 28, 2023
1.  Today is the last day to pick up 2023-24 Student Body President or Student Body VP  petitions.  These are available in the office or with Mrs. Sadowski.  Applicants must be a current junior and have one-year prior student council experience.

2.  Would you like to be involved in school activities? Do you have creative ideas? Run for Student Council next school year! Petitions are available May 1-5 in the office or with Mrs. Sadowski.  

3.  This year's prom theme is .. Mardi Gras!
Seniors be sure to get together with parents to plan this year's After Prom event.  Please send Riley Martin an email with an update by May 10.

There is also a sheet in the Tiger Union for song suggestions for the DJ at prom. Juniors and seniors please stop by if you have any suggestions.

4.  There is a mandatory meeting for any Junior going on the class trip on Monday (5/1/23) at 6pm in the high school cafeteria.  A parent and the student should both plan on attending.

5.  In honor of April being Child Abuse Awareness Month Kayla Weyer painted the rock located in the front of the school near the gym royal blue- the official awareness color with children's handprints. Congratulations, it looks amazing Kayla!

6.  Seniors are reminded to please turn in the Rules & Regulation form that was sent out via Final Forms.  These are due into the high school office by Monday, 5/8.  

7.  Good luck to the Huron High School Chorale at OMEA State competition this evening. They are competing in 2 events tonight.

8.  Mr. Camella will host the final National Letter of Intent (NLI) signing on Wednesday, 5/3/23, in the HHS gym at 2:00 pm for any senior that plans to sign. He will have a table set up for each athlete and they can display their wares according to the College that they are signing with. All NLI signers are welcome to invite family and friends. Mr. Lamb will call down the teammates for those signing, and Mr. Camella will take care of contacting BCSN and the Sandusky Register. Be sure to email Mr. Camella, or stop by his office to inform him of your signing. The cut off date to inform Mr. Camella of your signing is Monday, 5/1/23, 3:00 pm.

9.  News from the Huron Public Library:

At Huron Public Library, stories matter! In honor of National Poetry Month this April, Grades 3 and up are invited to submit poems, writings, or short stories to a Literary Magazine. Find official rules on our website or stop by the Library to pick up an entry form. Submissions are due by Sunday, April 30.

Donate personal hygiene and baby care products to the Library's Salvation Army Collection this April for fine forgiveness all month long. Needed donations include deodorants, toothpaste, toothbrushes, feminine products, diapers (especially sizes 4 - 6), soaps, wipes, cream, or other similar products. Please only donate unused and unexpired items.

National Library Week runs through Saturday, April 29. This year, the Library is celebrating with a variety of fun activities for all ages. Check out a Guess Who game featuring old pictures of Library staff, fun displays, a gift raffle, and more. We will also introduce a new Library of Things item this week. Stop in and see for yourself– There’s More to the Story!

The Tiny Art Show is back and this time all ages can participate! Register to pick up an art kit containing everything you'll need to create your own miniature masterpiece about the Summer Learning Program theme, then pick up a kit during National Library Week. Return your piece to the Library by Friday, May 26 so that we can open our mini gallery and put it on display during June and July. Registration required.

The Library has a Teen Tech Cart filled with cool tech like iPads and Chromebooks for teens in Grades 7 - 12 to borrow. Stop by after school on Thursday, April 27 from 3 - 4 pm to try out some new tech like Spheros, Bloxels, digital instruments, sticker-makers, and more!

Do you need an escape from reality? Enter the fantasy world with the Library's Dungeons & Dragons Meetup for Grades 7 -12. Join our D&D club and begin exploring worlds of mystery, magic, and game play. Check out the next program on Saturday, April 29 from 10 am - 1:30 pm. Registration required.

Want Library program updates? Get the latest program reminders sent directly to your email by registering at the bottom of our website at

Boys Tennis @ St Mary's 4:15pm
Track @ Margaretta Invite 4:30pm

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