Huron High School
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
1. Students, the high school track resurfacing project will begin on Monday, 4/24. All students will have to park in the north lot - you will no longer be allowed to park along the stadium fence (located behind the school/gymnasium) for the remainder of the school year and into the summer.
2. Congratulations to the following art students. Your art work is being displayed at the Huron Public Library until the end of the month.
Kendall Camp
Madeline Collins
Adalyn Feige
Sydney Hall
Annabelle Herzog
Brianna Miller
TJ Murray
Malleya Schaeffer
Kennedy Schlessman
Emmah Shaw
Jayden Towns
Maya Vance
Kinslee Willis
3. Swimmers please turn in your swim warm ups to Mr Camella at the Athletic Office. Please make sure you identify your warm up by pinning your name to the warm up or write your name on a piece of paper and place it in the pocket. Failure to return your warm up will result in an $80 fee added to your school account.
4. Seniors are reminded to please turn in the Rules & Regulation form that was sent out via Final Forms. These are due into the high school office by Monday, 5/8.
5. News from the Huron Public Library:
At Huron Public Library, stories matter! In honor of National Poetry Month this April, Grades 3 and up are invited to submit poems, writings, or short stories to a Literary Magazine. Find official rules on our website or stop by the Library to pick up an entry form. Submissions are due by Sunday, April 30.
Donate personal hygiene and baby care products to the Library's Salvation Army Collection this April for fine forgiveness all month long. Needed donations include deodorants, toothpaste, toothbrushes, feminine products, diapers (especially sizes 4 - 6), soaps, wipes, cream, or other similar products. Please only donate unused and unexpired items.
Help out your community at the American Red Cross Blood Drive on Tuesday, April 25 between 12:30 - 6 pm. To donate blood you must be at least 18 years old, weigh at least 110 lbs., and have not donated in the last 56 days. Appointments are not necessary.
National Library Week is Sunday, April 23 to Saturday, April 29. This year, the Library is celebrating with a variety of fun activities for all ages. Check out a Guess Who game featuring old pictures of Library staff, fun displays, a gift raffle, and more. We will also introduce a new Library of Things item this week! Stop in and see for yourself– There’s More to the Story!
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