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December 11, 2019
1. Are you and your parents taking extra days off at Christmas? A vacation form needs to be submitted to the office prior to the absence so that Mr. Carter can approve the absence.

2. Don’t forget to bring in chemo care package items to your homeroom class before December 18th! Items to bring are listed in each class, and the winning homeroom in both grades wins a party after Christmas break.

3. Help us spread happiness this Christmas by being a part of OHgo’s Project Happy Christmas. Please join us in purchasing, filling and wrapping one shoebox for a local child in need. Informational brochures are available in the office. Shoeboxes are due by December 17th.

4. REMINDER that students must be at school by 7:59am and attend the whole day in order to participate in extracurricular activities that day unless a doctor’s excuse is presented.

5. Holiday Spirit Week is coming -
Student Council will be hosting a Holiday spirit week December 13th – 20th.  There will be a Christmas Pajama dance on Friday, December 13th from 2:40-4:30. Wear your school appropriate Christmas pajamas to school and the dance on Friday.  Tickets are $5 and will be sold Wednesday, December 11th - Friday, December 13th.

6. STEAM Club will meet TODAY from 2:45-4:15 in Mrs. James's room. Coding, Augmented Reality, and Winter Art options will be ready for you! Bring a pal!

7. The Huron Book Building Team will meet on Friday with Mrs. LaCrosse during lunch.

8. Students in 7th and 8th grade that are interested in going to the Challenger Learning Center in Oregon, Ohio for a Mission to Mars field trip experience with Mrs. LaCrosse should listen up! This field trip is in January and spaces are limited. If you would like to participate in an interactive Mars simulation, then you must get an application from Mrs. LaCrosse, Mr. Sellers, or Mrs. James. You must complete the application before we leave for Christmas break. You will be notified when we return back from break whether your application has been accepted or not. There is an $8.00 cost for the trip, and you will need to pack a lunch. It is a lot of fun, so don't delay...get your Mission to Mars application in today!!!

9. Our core value for December is Discipline.

10. This week at the Huron Public Library:
Hey you! Did you know that Dungeons & Dragons is finally cool? Have you always wanted to learn how to play? Whether you're a dungeon master, a casual player, or a brand-new beginner, sign up for our NEW monthly Dungeons & Dragons Club at the Huron Public Library. Dungeon Master Clay will teach you everything you need to know about D&D. But register fast: the first winter session is on Monday, December 30 and can only have 6 players. Visit our Teen Services tab on to register.

Reminder: The Girls Who Code Coding Club will have its final meeting from the fall session on Thursday, December 12 from 4 - 5:30 pm. Look out for new coding clubs in the spring.

Interested in making an impact on your community? Join the Teen Library Council. The council meets monthly to discuss ways to change the Library for the betterment of teens and beyond everywhere. The next meeting is on Sunday, December 15 at 3 pm.

For information on these programs and more, visit or find us on Facebook or Instagram!