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Thursday, February 11, 2021


Good morning today is Thursday, February 11, 2021 

Lunch Menu for Today - Students will have the choice of  Brunch for Lunch French Toast Sticks or a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich. You will also receive a Sausage Patty, Hash Browns, Fruit Juice and Milk.

Let’s keep Rachel’s Challenge alive. Make sure you are journaling regularly, accepting others and doing kind acts. Make sure you recognize those students that do kind acts by completing a chain link for them. KCR-24/7-365

Our value word for the week is: Kindness - the quality or state of being kind, a kind act

Syed Balkhi once said, “Happiness is the new rich. Inner peace is the new success. Health is the new wealth. Kindness is the new cool.

Woodlands students remember we want to recognize those students that are performing kind acts. If you notice a student helping someone else, or being extremely kind or compassionate please complete a chain link for them. We want to build a chain of kindness that will stretch throughout our building. Please make sure you are recognizing students that are going out of their way to do something special for someone else by completing a chain link.

Students, we are halfway through the third quarter and interims go home next Friday.  Make sure all your work is complete. If you are not sure check your progressbook or ask your teachers.  

Yearbook order forms are due back in the office today.  Students will be able to order online as well until March 12.   Stop by the office if you have questions or need information. 

There are many items in the  lost and found. Please stop and claim items that you are missing.