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Wednesday, January 20, 2021


Good morning today is Wednesday, January 20, 2021 

The lunch menu for today is: Students will have the choice of Toasted Cheese Sandwich or a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich. You will also receive Tomato Soup, Goldfish Crackers, Pears and Milk 

Our value word for the week is: Integrity -  the quality of being honest and fair

C. S. Lewis  once said, “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”

Woodlands students respect the opinion of others whether they agree with the other person or not. During a discussion, you should respect the other students’ comments, opinions, and ideas. Listen to their thoughts attentively and do not interrupt until they have finished their entire thought. Then when possible you can make statements like, “I agree with you, and I also feel that…” or “You made a valid point but I disagree with you because...” or “I feel you made an excellent observation and it made me realize…” At no time do Woodland Students put down or make fun of another student for their opinion, thought or idea that they share.

Classroom temperatures will be different from classroom to classroom this year as the ventilation system is drawing more outside air.  So it will be important during these months of colder temperatures that you dress in layers so you can be comfortable in the classrooms.  Also remember we will be holding outdoor recess during these colder temperatures so please make sure you are dressing warm enough to go outside each day. 

If you have borrowed a Chromebook charging cord please make sure it gets returned. We have extra charging cords in the office for students that need to use them during the school day. After you are finished charging your chromebook please make sure it gets returned as there are other students that will need to use it.    

Grade cards will be sent home on Friday. Students that still owe student fees or have other obligations may have their grade card withheld. Please stop by the office if you have any questions. 

There are many items in the  lost and found. Please stop and claim items that you are missing.