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November 29, 2018
1. Are you and your parents taking extra days off at Christmas break? A vacation form needs to be submitted to the office prior to the absence so that Mr. Carter can approve the absence.

2. Attention 7th and 8th graders: Are you interested in attending a field trip to the Challenger Learning Center on January 11th with Mrs. LaCrosse? It's a field trip that is a mission simulation for NASA and a Mars Mission. There will be fun, hands-on learning and lunch at the center. Participation is limited to 30 students, and there is an $8 cost. So, if you are interested, stop by Mrs. LaCrosse, Mrs. James, or Mr. Sellers room for an application. Applications will only be accepted up to November 30th. Don't delay! This is open to 7th and 8th graders.

3. Don’t forget to bring chemo care package items to your homeroom class before December 19th. Items to bring are listed in each class. The winning homeroom in both grades wins a donut party after Christmas break. Let’s help make the kids on the pediatric cancer floor at Cleveland Clinic happy this holiday season.

4. Help us spread happiness this Christmas by being a part of OHgo’s Project Happy Christmas. We are asking that you join us in purchasing filling and wrapping ONE shoebox for children in Erie county. Return it to the school office or one of the drop spots listed on the flyer. Shoeboxes are due by December 18th.

5. McCormick STEAM Club is launching soon! We are looking for students who enjoy art and science and would like to attend this after school club. If you are interested, please sign up in the office during study hall.

6. Power of the Pen writing club will meet this FRIDAY, November 30, from 2:40 - 3:40. Come write stories with us!