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May 14, 2021
1. LUNCH MENU: today-Burrito Bowl, Monday-Chicken Nuggets

2. The School Counseling department is here again to share with you some more information about Mental Health awareness month. According to a study by Kessler and colleagues, 1 in 5 students struggle or will struggle with a mental illness at some point in their lives. Mental health awareness month is done to help de-stigmatize mental illness, so that people struggling are able to seek out support.

Breathing strategies, you all can try for coping with your own stressors are Figure 8 breathing or square breathing. Check out an example of how to do this on one of the posters hanging your classrooms.

3. There will be a short meeting during study hall today for 8th graders interested in joining Tigerettes next year. Please listen for the announcement.

The Huron Public Library is partnering with the Huron Food Pantry until the end of May. If you have nonperishable food items to donate, drop them off in the box by the main entrance.

Find a new photo challenge on the Library's Instagram every Monday in May. Weekly challenges were created by the Teen Library Council. Share a photo and use the hashtags #HPLweekly and #huronlibrary for a chance to win some gift cards to local eateries.

Want to learn a new language? On Tuesday, May 18, the Library will be releasing a new Tech Video to show you how to use Transparent Language Online- a language learning tool you can use for free with your library card! Find this new video and previous Tech Videos on the Library's YouTube channel.

Have an idea for a Library program that you'd like to see? Let us know at the next Teen Library Council meeting on Monday, May 24 at 4 pm on Zoom video chat. Visit our website for more details.