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Tuesday, December 6, 2022


Good morning today is Tuesday, December 6, 2022 

The lunch menu for today is: Students will have the choice of  Corn Dog or a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich. You will also receive Oven Baked Beans, Waffle Fries, Fresh Fruit and Milk  Students will also have the choice of salad bar today. 

Let’s keep Rachel’s Challenge alive. Make sure you are journaling regularly, accepting others and doing kind acts. Make sure you recognize those students that do kind acts by completing a chain link for them. 

Our value word for the week is: Orderliness -  peaceful or well-behaved    

Scott Belsky  once said, “An idea can only become a reality once it is broken down into organized, actionable elements.

Woodlands students respect others not only in their speech but also their actions. Students need to realize that their actions can show disrespect as well. When students tsk another person, roll their eyes, or smack their lips these are all signs of disrespect. Gestures like these are a sign of disrespect and a bad attitude. Let’s stay positive, and show respect at all times.

December is the month of giving.  Each day during the month of December we will offer a way that you can give some kindness to others. Please try each day to give the daily gift to at least one person. Today, be sure to tell your parents you love them.  

The lost and found already has several items in it.  If you are missing items please stop by the lost and found and claim the items that are yours.

Huron Public Library Tween & Teen Announcements for Week of Sunday, December 4

Every December the Library has a special Elf on the Shelf. This year’s special friend is visiting from their home in the Hundred Acre Woods– it’s Winnie the Pooh! Students in Preschool - Grade 5 can try to find them in a new spot each day until Friday, December 23 for a small prize!

Do you love to crochet, or would you like to learn how? Meet up and share current yarn projects, get help from Library staff, or just enjoy being in the company of other crafters at the Stitch Niche: Crochet Club for teens and adults. The next meeting is Tuesday, December 6 at 3 pm.

Teens in Grades 7 - 12 can visit the Library on Tuesday, December 6 from 6 - 7:30 pm to find a Homemade Gift Workshop for DIY holiday gift-making including: jewelry, candles (from Firelands Wax), spa kits, ornaments, soup mixes, and card-making. Supplies for gift-wrapping will also be provided. No registration necessary.

Or perhaps you'd prefer to get lost in a holiday fantasy? Join in on a holiday-themed Dungeons & Dragons session on Saturday, December 10 from 10 am - 1:30 pm. Design a unique character and embark on a quest through a blizzard of snow. Holiday snacks will be served for those of good cheer. This program requires registration and is designed for Grades 6 - 12. 

If you'd like to stay updated about upcoming programs at the Library, find us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or TikTok or register for our eNewsletter at the bottom of our website.

Yesterday evening the 6th grade band performed kicking off our Holiday Season Concert series.  The band did an amazing job representing the Woodlands music program.