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Tuesday, May 9, 2023


Good morning today is Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The lunch menu for today students will have the choice of Brunch for Lunch with Mini Pancakes or a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich. You will also receive Sausage Patty, Hash Browns, Applesauce and Milk.   

Students will also have the choice of salad bar today.

Let’s keep Rachel’s Challenge alive. Make sure you are journaling regularly, accepting others and doing kind acts. Make sure that you recognize those students that are performing kind acts by completing a chain link for them. Remember KCR 24/7-365

Our value word for the week is: Wisdom - learning acquired over a period of time : knowledge, ability to see beneath the surface of things


Jimi Hendrix once said, “Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.”

Woodlands students remember we want to recognize those students that are performing kind acts. If you notice a student helping someone else, or being extremely kind or compassionate please complete a chain link for them. We want to build a chain of kindness that will stretch throughout our building. Please make sure you are recognizing students that are going out of their way to do something special for someone else by completing a chain link.

Please remember we all have a responsibility with regards to making sure our school remains safe.  When going outside or coming inside please make sure the door closes behind you. Please stop propping doors open and not closing them behind you.  If you see a door propped open please close it or report it. If you see someone waiting outside to enter the building Do Not let them in.   Students should never open a door for anyone. 

The lost and found is full.  If you are missing items please stop by the lost and found and claim the items that are yours. All the items hanging in the front entrance on the coat racks along with those in the lost and found bin are items in our lost and found. Please stop and look to see if any of the items are yours. 

Today 5th grade will be completing the Ohio State Science tests. Students are reminded that during testing they are not allowed to have communication devices on them.  This includes watches. If you have a phone or watch that has the ability to communicate it needs to be placed in your locker during testing. During the testing period bells will be turned off and students are expected to travel through the hallways quietly respecting those students that are taking their test.  


This week is Teacher Appreciation Week! Please bring in school supply donations on WEDNESDAY, May 10, to help restock your teachers' classroom supplies. Pencils, glue sticks, tissues, paper, etc. are all great examples of what to bring in!