Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Announcements - Thursday, March 11, 2021

1.  Dress code reminder.

2.  Cedar Point Hiring Day is this Saturday, March 13.  Anyone interested in a fun job this summer should pick up a flyer in the office.  

3.  Attention all Seniors in good standing who are 17 or older:  You can now apply to serve as a Precinct Election Official for Election Day, Tuesday, May 4.  It is a long work day, but you get paid for your time. Please see Mrs. Merckens in room 214 for an application or with any questions.

4.  If you are 18 or will be before the May election you can register to vote online, or you can see your English teacher or the high school office for a voter registration form.

5.  From the Huron Public Library:
The Huron Public Library is open to the public again!  This time, you don't need an appointment to come in, so we hope to see you soon.  Please remember to follow our safety guidelines.  Masks must be worn properly over mouths AND noses in the building.
CALLING ALL ARTISTS/PHOTOGRAPHERS: The Library wants YOU to share your artwork or photography in our Online Community Art Gallery. Visit the Library's virtual Gallery space on to view art and photography shared by your community, then share your own by emailing photos to All ages can participate.

Help out your community by donating food to those in need. The Library is collecting nonperishable, unexpired food items for our Pay It Forward Food Drive to give to the Huron Food Pantry. If you have food items at home that you'd like to donate, visit the Library and find our drop off box located near the entrance. 

Looking for a way to extend those spooky winter vibes? Join us for our next Facebook Watch Party featuring the 1922 version of the film Nosferatu. This classic horror movie proves that you don't need sound or color to get creeped out. Learn some behind-the-scenes facts about the film and join us in our LIVE chat on Thursday, March 11 starting at 5 pm.

no after school activities

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