Huron High School
Announcements - Wednesday, March 3, 2021
1. Today, Huron City Schools are operating on a 2-hour delay.
2. From the cafeteria: Thursday's lunch has been changed to a calzone.
3. Reminder to Seniors - the
Huron Local Scholarships are due by 2:30pm on Monday, March 8th. Please contact the School Counseling Office if you have any questions.
4. Cheer football clinics and tryouts will be held March 8th through March 10th. Anyone interested in tryouts, please pick up a packet in the attendance office this week.
5. Boys who signed up for Spring Tennis can meet Friday at Court 1 in Sandusky. Bring $5 for open court costs and meet the new head coach Matt Weiss.
Be sure to check with Mrs. Enderle in the high school office to see if your physical is current. The boys season will begin Monday, 3/8/21.
Girls who are interested in attending "open hit" at Court 1 are welcome to attend. $5 per athlete from 3-5pm.
From the Huron Public Library:
ALL ARTISTS/PHOTOGRAPHERS: The Library wants YOU to share your artwork
or photography in our Online Community Art Gallery. Visit the Library's virtual Gallery space on
huronlibrary.org to view art and photography shared by your community, then share your own by emailing photos to
mckenna.leckrone@huronlibrary.org. All ages can participate.
Help out your community by donating
food to those in need. The Library is collecting nonperishable,
unexpired food items for our Pay It Forward Food Drive to give to the
Huron Food Pantry. If you have food items at home that
you'd like to donate, visit the Library and find our drop off box
located near the entrance.
For those that love to draw or doodle, check out our Zentangle with Judy Montgomery program on Tuesday, March 9 from 5-7pm LIVE on Zoom. Starting in March, interested participants can pick up supplies for this class, and then join Judy Montogmery in a LIVE Zoom session to learn about this unique, therapeutic art form. This program is open to teens and adults. Register on our website.
To find more information about February programs at the Library, visit
huronlibrary.org or follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!
District Boys Basketball vs Shelby at Ashland HS 5:30pm