Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Announcements - Friday, February 5, 2021

1.  Attention all students: due to the snow days this week, carnation sales will be pushed to next week during lunch. We will only have a limited supply, so buy early! Send a carnation-gram to your Valentine for $2!

2.Auditions for this year's Spring Musical, “Hello Dolly”, will be held next week. Please see Miss J for an audition packet and to sign up for a time slot.

3. Seniors please check your Google classroom and huronstudent email for information about the Huron Local Scholarships.  Stop by the School Counseling Office if you have any questions.

4.  Art Club is sponsoring a Valentine Coloring Contest!  
*Pick up a Coloring Page from the ART ROOM today
*Turn in as many as you want before February 11th
*Exchange your coloring page for a ticket to win!
Prizes are a Giant Kit Kat bar, Sour Patch Kids, Dots and M & M's

5.  Reminders for Seniors: If you have your cap & gown order form filled out for Jostens you may turn that in to the high school office.  The Jostens rep will be by to pick those up.

6.  News from the Huron Public Library:  
The Library is still offering Curbside Pickup.  Visit our website to learn how you can grab books, DVDs, CDs, and more through Curbside and then schedule your own pickup time.

Did you know that the Library has an online Art Gallery that you can submit your work to?  Visit the Library's virtual Gallery space on to view art and photography shared by your community, then share your own by emailing photos to  All ages can participate.

Not sure what to read?  Let us be your matchmaker!  Request a Blind Date with a Book through Curbside Pickup starting next Monday, February 8.   Each book was selected by Library staff and the Teen Library Council and then wrapped for secrecy with a brief description.

To find more information about February programs at the Library, visit or follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!

Polar Bear Winter Classic Diving @ Margaretta 3:00pm
Bowling @ Norwalk 4:00pm
Boys Basketball @ Oak Harbor 4:30pm

Girls Basketball @ Willard 1:00pm
Boys Basketball at Norwalk St Paul 4:30pm

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