Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Announcements - Monday, April 12, 2021

1.  A shout out to BGSU Firelands Caryl Crane Youth Theatre participants who brought home Best in Festival award at the 2021 Musical Theatre Competition.  

Marisa Graybill was named Best Festival Vocalist.  She  also received the first place Duet Award.
Bryce Nevison was awarded first place for his Monologue Performance. He also received third place for his Solo Performance.

Participating in the Youth Theatre Ensemble from HHS were Marisa Graybill, Jake Koba, Caylin McCormick, Bryce Nevison, Alaina Parkinson, Elijah Routh and Kelsey Swain.

2.  Any graduating senior looking to immediately enter the workforce after high school should see Mr Antonelli for information on a great career starting opportunity.  Good pay and benefits included!

3.  If you are 18 or will be before the May election you can register to vote online, or you can see your English teacher or the high school office for a voter registration form.

4.  From the Huron Public Library:
Share your artwork or photography in our Online Community Art Gallery at huronlibrary.orgVisit the Library's virtual Gallery space to view art and photography shared by your community, then share your own by emailing photos to All ages can participate.

The Library is collecting nonperishable, unexpired food items for our Pay It Forward Food Drive to give to the Huron Food Pantry. If you have food items at home that you'd like to donate, visit the Library and find our drop off box located near the entrance. 

Not sure what you want to read next?  Try out our NEW Virtual Readers' Advisory!  Visit to find the Virtual Readers' Advisory survey, then give us a book you loved, an author you like, or a genre and we will send you a list of recommended suggestions.  Check it out today!

Teens in grade 7-12 can register for the next Teen Cooking Challenge.  Pick up this cooking kit on Wednesday, April 14 for all the directions and supplies you will need to make a nifty treat.

To find more information about programs and current services being offered at the Library, visit or follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Boys Tennis vs Oak Harbor 4:15pm
Varsity Baseball & Softball vs Oak Harbor 4:45pm
JV Baseball & Softball @ Oak Harbor 4:45pm

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