Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
August 28, 2024

1.  Today there will be a Student Council meeting after school in room 202. 

2.  There will be a brief meeting on Thursday after school in Mr. Schaefer's room (210) for any Junior or Senior interested in joining Model United Nations Club.

3.  Students are reminded to purchase parking tags if you are driving to school.  Paperwork for that is available in the high school office.  The cost is $5.

4.   Do you enjoy Friday night football games?  Love listening to the band?  Want to hang out with Varsity cheerleaders?  If yes, then we need you!  Show your HHS spirit & be the Tiger Mascot!  This is open to any Huron High School student.  If interested, please contact Coach Janet at 419-366-1787.

5.  Student activity passes for home athletic events are available for purchase in the high school office. The cost is $30 and gets you into 10 athletic events.  Payment can be made by check or cash.

6.  A representative from the Navy will be here during lunches on September 5.

On September 10, a representative from the Army will be here during lunches.

Stop by their table if you are interested in learning more.

Girls Golf @ Catawba Island Club 3:30pm
Boys Golf @ Thunderbird Hills 5:00pm
Girls Soccer @ Mapleton 6:00pm
Boys Soccer @ Willard 6:00pm

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