Huron High School
September 4, 2024
1. Sources of Strength would like to celebrate our students and staff on a successful start to the school year. After lunch today, look for the peer leaders to be handing out compli-"mints" after each lunch period. They will be at both ends of the downstairs hallway. Enjoy and thank you for making Huron High School a great place to be!
2. Elks Teen of the Month applications can be picked up in the Counseling Office. Applications should be submitted to Ms. Scherley or Mrs. Pisano by September 13th. You will need to submit a senior photo, or we can take your picture when you apply.
3. Parking tags are still available for purchase in the high school office. The cost is $5.
4. A representative from the Navy will be here during lunch today.
On September 10, a representative from the Army will be here during lunches.
Stop by their table if you are interested in learning more.
5. Ripcho Studio will be here to take pictures on Wednesday, September 11th.
6. Students if you are planning on bringing a guest to the Homecoming dance (9/21/24) who does not attend Huron High School, you can start the process of getting paperwork filled out. The forms are located in the high school office and need to be signed by their principal and a parent so why not start planning now so you'll be prepared when tickets go on sale!
7. There will be a Student Council meeting after school today in room 202.
Girls Soccer @ Woodmore 5:00pm