Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Thursday, May 2, 2024

1.  Attention all juniors going on the class trip:  There will be a mandatory meeting for you and a parent/guardian to attend TONIGHT at 6pm in the cafeteria.  Please be mindful of the medication form that was sent out via final forms.  This must be filled out and turned in along with any medication to the nurse at the meeting.

2.  There will be an NHS meeting for all new and current NHS members TODAY after school in the Cafeteria.  Attendance is mandatory.  

3.  Seniors are reminded to turn your graduation "Rules & Regulation" paper into the high school office.  

4.  If you are a member of a club or organization, plan to be here tomorrow (5/3) from 
9-10 for group pictures in the gym. Students will be called down by group. 

5.  Attention current Juniors: T- Shirt order forms for your Senior shirts are in the High School Office.  Orders must be placed by tomorrow (5/3) at Bennetts.

6.   Thinking about joining Student Council for the 2024/25 school year? Grab an application in the high school office. They are due Wednesday, 5/8. If you have any questions, see Ms. Kozich. 

7. Applications will be open May 3rd for the 2024 Riverfest Queen Pageant. These applications are due June 14th and can be found in the HS office. For more information, please see posters around the school! 

8.  Congratulations to Mr Camella on his first hole-in-one last night on #11 at Thunderbird North. Students stop in and congratulate Mr. Camella on this awesome achievement!

Boys Tennis vs SMCC 4:00pm

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