Huron High School
October 16, 2024
1. Juniors & Seniors: Xavier University will be here on October 28 at 8:25am. If you are interested in meeting with their representative, please sign up in the high school counseling office.
2. If you lost a case for your earbuds with one earbud in it - please see Mr. Lamb.
3. Attention sophomores interested in getting a closer look at EHOVE on the Nov. 12th field trip: please scan the qr code on your google classroom to complete the google form for your visit. EHOVE will close responses on October 19th.
4. TLC and Huron 5 are working together to organize a Huron High School talent competition! If you have a talent that you would love to share, this competition is for you. The winning talent will win a $100 visa gift card, while the 2nd place talent will win a $50 visa gift card. To enter the competition, please share a video of you and your talent to Mrs. Lee via google drive at
[email protected]. Video submissions must be shared before the end of the school day on Monday, October 21.
5. Student Council has a meeting today after school in room 202.
6. Picture retake day has been scheduled for Monday, 11/4, starting at 9am.