Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
October 21, 2024

1.  Any girl planning on playing basketball this year, there is a brief informational meeting in the cafeteria right after school Tuesday.  Please plan on attending.

2.  Attention all senior girls:  "I Heart Huron Football" t-shirt order forms are available in the high school office.  These are due Wednesday!

3.  Picture retake day has been scheduled for Monday, 11/4, starting at 9am.  Instructions were sent out via Final Forms for online ordering OR you can stop by the high school office to pick up a paper order form.

4.   If you are interested in playing softball for the 2025 season, please stop by the high school office to fill out the sign up sheet.  Please stop down prior to the end of the day Tuesday, 10/22.

5.  Dine with Dominos is Tuesday, 10/ 22. Enjoy some pizza and help support the Huron PTO!

6.  The student of the week for last week is Azure Waldock! Her teachers selected Azure for her hard-working and positive attitude and was described as a great role model for young girls in the community. Keep up the great work Azure!

7.  Attention sophomores interested in getting a closer look at EHOVE on the Nov. 12th field trip: please scan the qr code on your google classroom to complete the google form for your visit. EHOVE will close responses on October 19th.

8.  TLC and Huron 5 are working together to organize a Huron High School talent competition! If you have a talent that you would love to share, this competition is for you. The winning talent will win a $100 visa gift card, while the 2nd place talent will win a $50 visa gift card. To enter the competition, please share a video of you and your talent to Mrs. Lee via google drive at [email protected]. Video submissions must be shared before the end of the school day on Monday, October 21. 

9.  Juniors & Seniors:  Xavier University will be here on October 28 at 8:25am. If you are interested in meeting with their representative, please sign up in the high school counseling office.

10.  Drivers do not park in any painted parking spot until further notice.  We'd like all the Seniors to finish painting their spots prior to the full parking lot being open.  Overflow parking can park in the grass parking lots.

no after school activities

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