Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
October 10, 2024

1.  Juniors & Seniors:  Xavier University will be here on October 28 at 8:25am. If you are interested in meeting with their representative, please sign up in the high school counseling office.

2.  Seniors today is the last day to turn in paperwork and money if you plan on painting a spot.

3.  Attention anyone needing community service hours: We are in need of 5 students to Face Paint today from 4:15pm-6:45pm at Osborn park. See Miss Ryan in the art room for details.

4.  The 23-24 HHS yearbooks are in!  Stop by the high school office to see if you ordered one.  If you didn't and would like to buy one there are extras available.  The cost is $65.  Checks can be made out to Huron High School.

5.  TLC and Huron 5 are working together to organize a Huron High School talent competition! If you have a talent that you would love to share, this competition is for you. The winning talent will win a $100 visa gift card, while the 2nd place talent will win a $50 visa gift card. To enter the competition, please share a video of you and your talent to Mrs. Lee via google drive at [email protected]. Video submissions must be shared before the end of the school day on Monday, October 21. 

Volleyball vs Vermilion 4:30pm

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