Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School


December 18th, 2024

1. Football Lifting will begin on Monday, January 6th at 7:00pm in the weight room. 

2. The Coast Guard has set up a visit for January 7th during lunch. Please join them in the cafeteria for more information on enlistment opportunities. 

3. If you would like to donate an OHgo Project Happy box before we break for the holidays, please stop by the main office or Mr. Blevins room for more information.   

4. The Huron High Boys Basketball team is having a “Purple Out” game in honor of Evelyn Bauer on Wednesday, January 11th. Be sure to order your shirt by January 4th from Bennetts Novelties on Cleveland Rd., across from Sawmill. There will also be order forms available in the main office to get your order in before the holiday break. 

5. The Chemo Care Package Campaign ends today, Wednesday, December 18th.  Please bring in those last few items to your 5th period class for the children and their families undergoing cancer treatment during this holiday season. 


Varsity Wrestling at McComb Local 5:00pm


If you run into Haley Bridiskus in the halls or in class today, be sure to wish her a very Happy Birthday!

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