Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
October 31, 2024

1.  Junior Students: Please complete the form to confirm whether you will or will not be taking the ACT this March through Huron High School. This is your only chance to take the ACT with no cost to your family. If you would like a test ordered for you, the form must be submitted by Friday, November 1. It can be found in an email through Final Forms and on your Huron High School Google Classroom.

2.  Attention Bowlers!  The first practice for bowling is Monday, 11/4, at 4pm at Riverview Lanes.  Practice will be followed by a parent/student meeting at 6pm. Please contact coach TJ if interested or with any questions.  The main office has his email and phone number.

3. The CCP advisor from BGSU Firelands will be here on November 6th and 15th to register students for off-campus spring courses. Please complete the form posted on your Huron High School Google Classroom to reserve a time.

4.  This week's Huron High School Student of the Week is Ella Defazio. She is quick to smile and very helpful contributing to a happier and more productive work environment. Always willing to donate her time, Ella was described as kind, engaged, and happy. Great job Ella keep it up! 

5. There will be a brief meeting Monday, 11/4, right after school in the high school cafeteria for those interested in going out for wrestling.  Please plan to attend.

6.  Sign ups for boys basketball are in the high school office.  Tryouts will be announced at a later date.

7.  Picture retake day has been rescheduled for Monday, 11/4, starting at 9am.

8.  TLC's gently used shoe competition is underway! Raid your closets and drop your gently used shoes into your 5th period classroom's shoe box. Shoes will be collected and counted weekly. The 5th period who collects the most shoes per student will win a Chick-Fil-A lunch! The competition lasts through December 13. 

9.  The Huron High School's Got Talent talent competition starts this week with the first one on one battle between Anastasia Sheppard and Eliza Steinkopf. The winner of this first battle will move on to the final four. Please be sure to watch this week's Huron 5 program and vote using the QR code given on the show. The bracket for the full competition is in the cafeteria!

no after school activities

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