Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
October 25, 2024

1.  This week's student of the week is Peter Censor! According to his teachers, he comes to school ready to learn, is always willing to help others with a positive attitude, and asks great questions in class. Great job Peter! Keep up the great work! 

2.  TLC's gently used shoe competition is underway! Raid your closets and drop your gently used shoes into your 5th period classroom's shoe box. Shoes will be collected and counted weekly. The 5th period who collects the most shoes per student will win a Chick-Fil-A lunch! The competition lasts through December 13. 

3.  Sources of Strength will be hosting another Finale Friday today in your WIN classes. Please have markers or a sharpie with you for the activity.

4.  Pictures for all wearing the "I Heart Huron Football" t-shirt and Senior football players will be at 11am today in the gym.

5.  Picture retake day has been scheduled for Monday, 11/4, starting at 9am.  Instructions were sent out via Final Forms for online ordering OR you can stop by the high school office to pick up a paper order form.

6.  Attention sophomores interested in getting a closer look at EHOVE on the Nov. 12th field trip: please scan the qr code on your google classroom to complete the google form for your visit. EHOVE will close responses on October 19th.

Varsity Football vs Edison 7:00pm

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