Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
November 22, 2024

1.  Reminder for juniors and seniors… stop by the high school office or Mrs. Lee's room to pick up or turn in your TLC Huron Hobby Hop session form so you can sign up for the activities or topics that interest you the most!

2.  Today is the last day to make donations to the Helping Hands Food Pantry.  Boxes are located outside the Counseling and Main office. Thank you for any generosity you can share this holiday season!

3.  This week's student of the week is Jason Lawhead. He was described as helpful to his peers, especially when someone was struggling around him, he was always willing to answer questions and patiently explain the concept. He works hard to stay on task and asks well-thought-out questions. Great job Jason, keep it up! 

4.  The next Dine with Dominos is Tuesday, 11/26.  Order some pizza and help support the Huron PTO!

5.  Reminder that the talent show is today during the assembly and you will need your phones to vote on your favorite talent!

6.  The TLC shoe drive is going on through December 13th!  Donate those gently used shoes.  The 5th period who collects the most shoes per student will win a Chick-Fil-A lunch! 

7.  Reminder to students that we have Student Athletic passes on sale in the high school office.  $30 gets you into 10 home athletic events.

no after school activities

Girls Basketball vs New London 

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