Huron High School
Thursday, October 28, 2021
1. There will be a meeting on Wednesday, November 3rd, for anyone interested in joining the Chess Club. The meeting will take place in Mr Asher's room (105) right after school.
2. Basketball tryouts for boys 9-12 will be Monday, November 1st and Tuesday, November 2nd from 5-7 in the HS gym
3. Halloween spirit week: Today is Halloween colors and socks, and Friday is the costume contest. Be sure to sign up in the office for the contest. Categories are Scariest, funniest, most original, best group, and teacher look alike.
4. BGSU Firelands is pairing with Second Harvest Food Bank. Their next mobile pantry is Tuesday, November 9th, from 4-6pm.. If you are interested in volunteering and earning Community Service hours, please see the flyers posted outside the high school office that walk you through the sign-up process.
5. Huron Public Library is in need of volunteers:
We are in need of some manpower for a very short period of time to move 75 cartons of books from the basement of the library to the first floor. We have carts and an elevator so 3-4 students would probably work. The library would like it done on November 4th. Please see the main office to sign up.
6. Registration for Spring CCP classes begins at 7am on Friday, October 29. Be sure you've set up an appointment with your advisor. Stop into the counseling office if you have any questions.
7. On Monday, 11/1, The Ohio State University will be here at 9am to meet with interested Juniors & Seniors. Please be sure to sign up in the school counseling office if interested.
8. St. Peter Spooktacular 5K & Kids Pumpkin Fun Run will take place Saturday, Oct. 30 at 9 a.m. All work will be done before noon. Volunteers are needed to help with the race. Limited number of shirts available for volunteering. Contact Angie Edwards 419-366-1563 (call/text) to volunteer. Service hours will be given for this opportunity.
9. News from the Huron Public Library:
TEENtober is a nationwide celebration hosted by libraries every October in honor of library teens and teen programs! At the Huron Public Library, teens can check out a new activity each week after school in the YA area. Stop by this week for some Wii Game Play to play some classic games.
Like writing? Write your part of the story for our Library collection with Huron Stories: Community Journals! Each journal has a special topic– including Pet Stories, Sketches, and even Something Scary. Read what others wrote, add your own entry, and then check out another one. Once a journal is full, it will be placed on our shelves for others to enjoy for years to come! All ages are welcome to participate. Find the display in the main lobby.
Make a plan to visit the Library for some Halloween fun on Friday, October 29 for our Transylvania Friday Movie Marathon featuring all three Transylvania movies. The Library will be open from 9:30 am - 5 pm Friday and the movies will play on repeat ALL DAY LONG!
Find more information about these programs and more by following the Library on Instagram or Twitter!
10. The Union will be closed 6th & 7th period the rest of this week and Monday for a Mental Health Project.
no after school activities