Huron High School
Thursday, December 9, 2021
1. The Christmas door contest is thru Dec 15th. The winning second-period class receives breakfast.
2. Senior Fall sport athletes that received a senior plaque, you can pick up your nameplate in the Athletic office.
3. Attention Varsity football players! A reminder to check out TeamApp for the Salvation Army bell ringing schedule for Saturday, December 11 at Cornell's IGA & Drug Mart. If you have any questions about your time, please see Coach Hohler beforehand to resolve.
4. Don’t forget to bring in boxes for OHgo! The 6th period classroom with the most boxes will win a donut party. We will pick up the boxes on December 15th.
5. Picture retakes for all underclassmen and staff will be on Tuesday, December 14th at 7:30 AM in the gymnasium. Extra order forms are located in the high school office.
6. Chemo care package drive ends today.
7. Semester Exam Announcement:
Huron High School exams will be held December 17, 20, and 21. During exams we are an open campus. This means that students are required to be here only during the time that they are scheduled for their exam. For example, if your child has a study hall they are not required to be in attendance. The cafeteria will be open for your students and will be serving breakfast and lunch each day. All exams are weighted at 20% of the semester grade. It is the semester grade that is recorded on the transcript and is calculated into a student's GPA. We encourage our students to take the exams seriously and give it their best effort.
The exam schedule is posted on the high school office window as well as having been sent out via Final Forms.
no after school activities